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Design Your Wardrobe Part 1: Get Inspired

Episode 153: Sarai and Haley share their processes for gathering inspiration for their sewing plans.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast, Creativity & Mindset • August 9, 2023 • Episode 153

Are you taking Design Your Wardrobe right now? Stop and listen to this special episode of the podcast!

Sarai and Haley are doing DYW right now, too, and for the next four weeks, they’ll share their experiences (and tons of tips) with each module in the course.

This week, they’re sharing their tips for gathering inspiration and avoiding inspiration overwhelm. Below are the show notes and some helpful bullets from the episode, followed by the full transcript.

Tips for Design Your Wardrobe Week One

  • Gather inspiration in one place throughout the year. You can call it your “core style” board. Use Pinterest or create a folder on your phone or desktop.

  • Each season, go to your core style board and pull the inspiration that resonates for you that season.

  • Include more than just fashion photos as you gather inspiration. Look for colors, textiles, and landscapes.

  • Take the Style Workshop to define your core style. It really helps you focus during Design Your Wardrobe—and it only takes an hour!

  • Document what’s in your wardrobe already. If you post your sewing projects to the Community or Instagram, you can track them. Or you can find images of your ready-to-wear clothes and add them to your board so you know what’s already in your closet. That way you can bring the clothes you already own into your sewing plans.

  • When you’re gathering inspiration this first week of Design Your Wardrobe, try not to judge your inspiration. The DYW process is iterative, so you’ll have plenty of time to edit (and edit again) later.

And here’s some big sister advice from Haley:

“I feel like people really get caught up in judging themselves and judging their inspiration at this point in the game. And I just would encourage you to not do that, to really stay in the moment and try and have fun with it.

And if it doesn't feel easy yet, I can promise you that it will get easier over time—just don't take it too seriously. It's supposed to be a fun and useful exercise, and I think that when you insert too much judgment into it, you're going to rob yourself of the joy of the process. So that's my big sister advice.”

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