The Modern Natural Dyer is a helpful resource for experimenting with natural dyes.
This Month's Sample Garments
A special thank you to Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics for the Esoterra Tropicalia Rayon we used for the Kristin and Heidi set.
A special thank you to Birch Fabrics for the Lavendar Double Gauze.
Kenneth D. King’s Smart Fitting Solutions: “Read the wrinkles. Decipher the Message. Fix the Fit.” Kenneth King’s new book approaches fitting from its roots—your own unique body. He’ll show you how to understand fit for your body, spot and solve fit issues, and transfer alterations to your pattern pieces. If you can’t trust Kenneth King to get the perfect fit, who can you trust?

Kenneth D. King’s Smart Fitting Solutions is an essential book for your sewing library.
The Modern Natural Dyer: Kristine Vejar owns A Verb for Keeping Warm, and after many years of research and experimentation, released this beautiful guide to natural dyes.
Closet Case Files: Don’t miss our interview with Heather in this month’s issue, and be sure to grab her latest pattern—the Jenny trousers & overalls.
Alyson Provax: In this month’s issue, printmaker and experimental fabric dyer Alyson Provax writes about how you can cook yourself a burrito bowl and dye a bunch of fabric all at the same time.
Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics: This Berkeley fabric shop is packed to the brim with inspiring fabric, and their history is just as colorful. Read their interview in this month’s issue—and don’t worry, they have an online store.

The Jenny trousers & overalls pattern is the newest queue-jumper from Closet Case Patterns.
Dyeing Fabric with Fruit: If this month’s article on dyeing fabric with avocados, onions, and black beans made you hungry for dessert, be sure to read this article about dyeing fabric with fruit.
How to Sew a Bias Binding: The Kristin top uses bias tape. Visit our Resource Center to learn how to make and install bias tape in just a few easy steps.