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Sew a Cute Headband Using Almost NO Fabric

Sew the Drew headband using your fabric scraps.

Posted in: Sewing Tutorials, Sewing Patterns • November 20, 2023

Today, we're going to show you how to make a clever knotted headband from either knitted or woven fabric for kids or adults.

This is part of our scrap busting series, where we show you all kinds of ways to use leftover scraps of fabric to make projects that are both useful and beautiful. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any other scrap busting videos.

Before we dive into the full sewalong for the Drew headband, here are a few tips to show you how to make this pattern using your scraps.

Cut each piece out from a different fabric. Or just pick one or two pieces to cut in a different color.

Create patchwork yardage and then cut out the pieces. Need help doing this? Read the very first tutorial in our scrap-busting series.

And now here's the full sewalong.

Cut out all of your pieces. If you are using a woven fabric, finish all the raw edges without trimming any seam allowance.

Assemble the elastic cover. With right sides together, fold the elastic cover in half lengthwise, aligning the long edges.

Pin and stitch at 3/8” (10 mm).

Attach a safety pin to one short and use it to turn the tube right side out. Remove the safety pin.

Press the seam centered on the elastic cover. Insert elastic and center one edge of the elastic with the raw edge of the cover. Pin and baste in place at 1/4” (6 mm).

Continue feeding the safety pin through to the other end. Remove the safety pin and center the elastic on the other raw edge of the fabric. Pin and baste in place at 1/4” (6 mm).

Assemble the headband pieces. With right sides together, fold both headband pieces in half lengthwise, aligning the notces and circle markings. Pin between circle markings and stitch.

Turn the headband right side out. Repeat for the next headband piece.

Place one piece with the seam line facing upwards. Bring the raw edges between the sections of stitching in the middle together, matching the circles.

With right sides together, pin in place and stitch, ending as close to the circle marking as you can. Repeat on the other side, and then turn the headband piece right side out. There will be a loop at one end here.

Thread the second headband piece through the loop with the seamline facing up. Sew the edges together just like in the previous step.

Once both edges are sewn, turn the unit right side out.

Attach the headband elastic cover. Align one short end of the elastic cover with the seamline of one raw edge of the headband unit.

Fold one edge of the headband unit, covering the elastic cover. Fold the other edge on top and stitch at 3/8” (10 mm) Be sure to backstitch. Turn the end right side out and repeat on the other side.

And you’re done! Have you made the Drew pattern? Post a picture in the comments!

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