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Sewing an Easy T-shirt Taught Me to Pace Myself

It's important to have a mix of projects that challenge you and ones that you know will be easy, fast wins. By Sarai Mitnick.

Posted in: Sewing Patterns, Style & Wardrobe • March 27, 2023

One of the biggest lessons I learned from going through the Design Your Wardrobe process for this season was the importance of pacing.

By that, I mean that it’s important to me to have a mix of projects that challenge me and projects that I know will be easy, fast wins.

Sometimes those easy projects end up being some of your favorites, too – the tried-and-true patterns you want to make over and over again. That’s the case with the Goldie tee I’m sharing with you today.

Not only is this a project you can make in just a few hours (it took me about 2), it’s extremely wearable. I now have 4 more fabrics lined up to make it in.

But I think the most important thing is that quick wins like this help keep me motivated to keep making. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by choices, or I don’t feel like tackling something big, I have a tendency to avoid creating all together. Having something easy to turn to means I always have a way back into my sewing practice.

Check out my Goldie tee vlog and see that lessons I learned while making it.

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