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These Unexpected Apps Will Level Up Your Sewing

Episode 197: Get creative, stay organized, and sketch your sewing plans with these 5 apps.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast • June 24, 2024 • Episode 197

Utilizing technology to benefit your sewing practice may not be something you think would be super beneficial or do-able, but today we're talking about some of our favorite apps that you may not have thought to use before that can really level up your sewing. These apps can help you get more creative while you plan your sewing, as well as help you stay stay organized with all your patterns and fabric to create a queue or moodboard. And even help you visualize your sewing plans by sketching your ideas.

Below are all the apps Sarai mentions in the episode, followed by a full podcast transcript.

Five apps that will level up your sewing practice



And here is short tutorial of Sarai taking you through her process of using Procreate.




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