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What's Your Learning Style?

Episode 64: There are 2 different approaches to learning—the ambitious learner and the cautious learner. Which type are you?

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast • November 9, 2021 • Episode 64

Does this sound familiar to you?

You've just been struck by a great idea for something you want to make, but it's something you've never tried sewing before.

You're so excited that you dive in head first, buying a pattern and fabric immediately, cutting into it that very same day, and staying up half the night to work on it. At some point, you hit a sticking point and try to brute force your way through it. You end up getting so frustrated and tired that you never finish.

Or, how about this?

You've just been struck by a great idea for something you want to make, but it's something you've never tried sewing before.

You're a bit intimidated, so you start by researching all you can about this type of project. You look at other people's makes, you watch videos, you read tutorials. You decide instead to start with something easier and keep practicing, hoping you'll get to your dream project someday.

These are two different approaches to learning, which we're calling the ambitious learner and the cautious learner. On today's episode of the podcast, we talk about how to identify which type you are (or where you fall in between), what the benefits and pitfalls are for each, and how to learn from the other type.

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