Learn to Sew a Flight Suit
Here’s what you’ll need for this project:
- Mercer pattern
- All-purpose polyester sewing thread
- Sewing machine needle
- 1 yard (.8 meters) of lightweight fusible interfacing
- One zipper; 20” (51 cm) for misses sizes 00 - 8; 22” (56 cm) for misses sizes 10 - 18; 22” (56 cm) for curvy sizes 12 - 20; 26” (61 cm) for curvy sizes 22 - 30
- Two 5/8” (16 mm) buttons
- 7/8 yards (.7 meters) of 1 1/2” (3.8 cm) elastic
- (Optional) topstitching thread
- (Optional) topstitching needle
- (Optional) safety pin or bodkin (Sienna recommends TWO bodkins for this pattern
- (Optional) Wash-Away-Wonder Tape