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How to Clean Your Sewing Space in 15 Minutes

A 7-step process for keeping your sewing space clean, organized, and tidy.

Posted in: Creativity & Mindset • August 3, 2022

Sewing is inherently messy. There's a lot of stuff involved, like tiny pins and needles, yards and yards of fabric, and your machines and all their tangly power cords. Oftentimes, if you have a small space or don't have a dedicated space, there's a lot of moving things around before you can even get to your machine.

And messes can be a significant mental barrier to your sewing.

Luckily, in episode 101 of the Seamwork Radio podcast, Haley shares her seven-step process to help you clean your sewing space, and it only takes 15 minutes.

Clean Your Space in 15 Minutes

  1. Set a timer for 15 minutes.

  2. Clear out any trash.

  3. Categorize the remaining things into two piles: things that belong in your sewing space and things that do not.

  4. Take everything that doesnt belong there and move it out.

  5. For everything that’s left, make piles of categories. For example, fabric, projects, and notions.

  6. Put everything back where it belongs in your space.

  7. Do any final cleaning activities, like sweeping, dusting, or putting the cover on your sewing machine.

If your space is so messy right now that you can’t possibly do it all in 15 minutes, another option is to set a timer for 15 minutes and focus on one pain point in your sewing space. For example, organize your thread and wind any wild spools. Or find a way to store your scraps that is most useful. After a few 15-minute pick-up sessions, your space will return to its clean, inviting self—until you cut out your next project.

More Tips for Your Sewing Space

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