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5 Genius Ways to Store Your Fabric

Clever ideas for organiing your fabric stash.

Posted in: Fabric Guides • August 7, 2024

My fabric stash has gotten absolutely bonkers. The way I’ve been organizing my stash is NOT working.

I’ve got overflowing baskets, piles of fabric falling over, and overstuffed drawers I can barely open. So today, I’m challenging myself to get organized with 5 easy, genius ideas for fabric storage.

In this week’s YouTube video, I’ll show you which ones worked for me, and which ones kinda sucked. I included some notes below, but be sure to watch the full video to see how effective these methods are.

Ok, let’s go get organized!

I filmed this video in my backyard sewing shed, where I put a lot of thought into keeping things organized. If you haven’t seen my sewing shed before, you can take a tour here.

I’m going to be real with you. Things have gotten a little chaotic in here, because...

  • I’m having a hard time seeing what I already have, which means I’m sewing less from my stash, which means buying more fabric, which makes the problem even worse!

  • It’s actually making me want to sew less because things are so messy.

You guys know that sewing is one of those things that brings so much joy to my life, and I need to keep it that way.

Here are the ideas I found for my stash.

Idea 1: Roll the Fabric

This cabinet holds the biggest part of my stash. In theory, this is great—I love having my drawers labeled and separated by fabric type.

But I ran out of room.

Solution: Take everything out, roll the fabric and tie.

  • Remove interfacing to make more room.

  • Remove super bulky fabrics.

But what do I do with this interfacing?

Idea 2: Interfacing Mailing Tubes

Interfacing is something I pull out when I need it, not something I need to browse.

Solution: I grabbed these 24” mailing tubes to store it.

  • Label the tube.

  • Put them in the floor basket where I keep patterns.

But now I need to do something with those really bulky fabrics.

They took up way too much room in the drawers.

Idea 3: Bulky Fabric Tubes

Folding or rolling super bulky fabrics like wool, French terry, flannel, or even really thick denim just takes up too much space.

Solution: Use long, open mailing tubes.

  • These are sturdy, so I wrapped the fabric around them.

  • This uses vertical space, which is such a great tip if you don’t have much room for your sewing stuff.

  • I placed them in the basket as well.

  • If you want to use this for more than a few fabrics, you could also get a wine rack and place it on the floor.

Now my main stash is reorganized, and I wish I could tell you that’s everything.

Oh no, my friends. There is more. But I’m going to save the most shameful corner for last.

Idea 4: Fabric File Folder

I wanted a way to keep track of the fabric I will be using for my next few projects in the upcoming season. But keeping it stacked in a pile on a shelf was really messy.

Solution: File it, don’t pile it.**

  • I got this inexpensive file box and folders.

  • Drape the fabric over each file folder.

  • It’s much easier to pull things out!

Ok, now here’s the worst part of my fabric storage...this basket.

I got this for my “overflow” but it just keeps on overflowing, literally, onto the floor.

I actually have a baby sweater in here I made that I was supposed to mend for my niece and it’s been in here so long there’s no way it fits her anymore.

This basket is just total chaos.

What I really need is a solution for what I’m calling my fabric backstock.

Idea 5: Swatch Binder

I actually already have a storage bin in my garage for extra fabric. The problem is: I never look at it.

The fabric in there might as well be under the sea, because it will stay there for all eternity.

Solution: Keep track of swatches

  • I went through my “overflow” fabric stash and cut swatches of each fabric.

  • I placed those in a binder with photo inserts.

  • I labeled them with the yardage and contents.

  • Now I can flip through and see what I have in my backstock any time.

The Best Idea

My favorite storage trick that I tried was definitely the file box. I’m still using it for all the fabrics I plan to sew in the next season, so it feels like a little fabric inbox to me.

It actually gets me excited to flip through it and think about what I’m going to make soon.

I think the lesson here is to do what it takes to (1) make your stash highly visible and (2) make it fun to look through.

If it feels overwhelming or stressful, you’re just way less likely to use it.

Do you have any fabric storage tips? Comment and share! Don’t be afraid to snap a picture of your sewing space and show me what it looks like. Together, we can manage our stashes.

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