Each month, Seamwork Magazine brings you two new wardrobe-building patterns along with inspirational articles and informative tutorials. Sewists tend to be detail-oriented by nature. We thrive when fussing over the perfect welt pocket or finding the perfect shade of thread to match.
Those times when we really slow down and cherish the details are when we shine the brightest. This series is dedicated to the small details that take your project to the next level. Whether it is a new seam finish or a fun embellishment, take the time to make your next me-made item one of a kind.

Unlined garments, like Delavan, are great projects to try out creative ways to finish seams. This month we will take an in-depth look at how to add a couture touch to our garments with a Hong Kong seam finish and bound seam finish.
Hong Kong Seam Finish
With a Hong Kong finish, each seam is bound with bias tape. Unlike traditional bound seams, the binding on the wrong side of the seam allowance is left unturned, which helps to reduce bulk.

Bound Seam Finish

It might be difficult to use a Hong Kong finish on some seams, like the armscye, for example. If it is more ideal to finish your seam allowances together (rather than separately, then pressed open), a bound seam is a great alternative.

Begin by cutting a few yards (you may require more or less depending on the garment) of 2″ bias tape.
Use a bias tape maker to create double fold bias tape. If you do not have a bias tape maker, press the bias tape in half along the long edge, open this fold and press the raw edges to the previously made fold line.