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5 Strategies to Help You Sew More Often

Episode 208: Need more time to sew? Here’s how to schedule time to sew, set goals, and keep your sewing projects manageable, so you can spend more time in front of your machine.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast • September 9, 2024 • Episode 208

“Make time for what matters to you because nobody is just going to give it to you.”

Finding time to sew in a world filled with endless demands can feel like an uphill battle. Between work, family, household chores, and countless distractions, it often seems that sewing time is the first to go.

But here's the truth: if sewing brings you joy, calm, and fulfillment, you need to carve out space for it in your life.

The world won't hand you free time, so you have to make it. It requires intentionality and a few smart strategies to reclaim time for your creative projects.

Here are five strategies to help you make more time to sew, even when it feels like you have none.

Tip 1: Create a Dediated Sewing Space

73% of sewists we surveyed told us that their physical space stops them from sewing. Does this sound like you?

Having a dedicated space for sewing can make it so much easier to start and to continue your projects. So this could mean a full room or it could mean just a corner of a room. It really depends on you and your needs and also how much space you have, obviously.

And we've seen some amazing sewing spaces that are built out of just a corner of a room or just a tiny little area. So if you don't have a lot of room, you can still create a space that's dedicated to your creativity, dedicated to the hobbies that you love.

Keep your sewing machine, your tools, your supplies, everything organized and ready to go. This really reduces the setup time. It makes it a lot more convenient to sew whenever you do have that spare moment.

If you need a little bit of help with this, here are some resources for you:

Tip 2: Schedule Your Sewing Time (And Embrace Shorter Sessions)

The next tip is to treat sewing like any other important activity by scheduling dedicated time for it in your calendar. This could be 15 minutes every evening, or it could be an hour on the weekends. It's really about what works for you.

The point is to have a regular creative time that you can come back to and make it a part of your routine so that it actually happens. You can use these short bursts to tackle small tasks like sewing or pinning a seam.

Does it feel weird to put sewing time on your calendar? Think of it like scheduling a date night or a regular time to hang out with friends.

Tip 3: Keep Your Sewing Projects Manageable

It can be really intimidating to think you have to sit down and sew an entire dress at once. And if you do try to create a project from start to finish in one sitting, you might find yourself ignoring sleep, getting dehydrated, and ultimately feeling really cranky.

If you can break down larger projects into smaller and more manageable steps, it becomes a lot easier to dive in and keep your energy up.

There are many ways to batch your tasks so that it feels easier and more manageable. You can spend one session cutting out pattern pieces. Then assemble parts of your garment in a few more sessions. And you can spend an entire session just doing seam finishes.

Completing small tasks gives you a sense of accomplishment to keep you moving forward.

Tip 4. Limit Distractions

One magical about sewing is that we are focusing on something that we're actually creating with our own hands. It feels really rare these days.

Doing something with your hands is special—it's different than scrolling on your phone or watching TV. And it takes a different mindset as well.

There are so many distractions surrounding you whenever you try to sit down and focus on sewing. Here are some tips for minimizing them:

  • Turn off notifications on your phone

  • Put on some music or a podcast if it helps you concentrate

  • If you have roommates, put a “do not disturb” sign on your door

  • Keep your animals out of your sewing space (if possible, it can be challenging).

  • Let your family know that you are going into focus mode and you’ll be back when you’re done

Tip 5: Set Specific Sewing Goals

Setting achievable goals can really help you to stay motivated.

The caveat with this tip is that setting goals might not resonate with everyone. Sometimes setting goals around your sewing can feel like work and a little bit less joyful. If that applies to you, you don't necessarily have to do this.

But it can be motivating to set goals and use your sewing time to work towards something bigger, or to build skills, or to try making a kind of garment you’ve never made before.

The trick is to not take your goals too seriously and instead design them to motivate you to keep going.

If you have trouble with this, give yourself a little reward when you hit a goal. Maybe you could get a new cut of fabric or a special notion.

You can set all kinds of sewing goals. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Complete a specific project for a special occasion

  • Learn a new skill

  • Pracice niche sewing, like lingerie, swimwear, or corsetry

  • Find time to sew every day or every week

If you need help setting goals, listen to episode 92 or read thi article, How to Find the Type of Sewing For Your Goals.

To hear Sarai’s thoughts on all these tips, listen to the podcast epiosde, or keep reading for the full transcript.

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