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5 Ways to Sew From Your Fabric Stash

Episode 202: Tricks for shopping your stash before you start buying new fabric.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast, Fabric Guides • July 29, 2024 • Episode 202

Most of us have fabric stashes that seem to get bigger and bigger.

You might have tried storing fabric in baskets and bins and shoved into bookcases, but your stash just keeps growing.

In this podcast episode, Sarai shares 5 tips to sew from your stash to help you keep the yardage in your home to a helpful minimum.

You’ll probably pick up a few ideas even if you have a small stash.

5 Tips to Sew From Your Stash

1. Take Inventory First

It’s crucial to take inventory of your stash, noting how much yardage you have. How can you sew from your stash if you don’t know what’s hiding in there?

It’s easiest to shop your stash if you always know what’s in your stash, including the yardage.

There are many ways to approach organizing your stash. You can find a bunch of ideas in episode 168 of the podcast.

But, here’s an easy way to take inventory:

  • Swatch and label your yardage

  • Create an online inventory

  • Organize by type and weight

2. Start a Stash Sewing Challenge

One way to sew from your stash with gusto is to give yourself a stash sewing challenge. This doesn’t mean you need to join a public challenge on social media. You can set your own rules (and give yourself your own prizes).

Here are a few ideas for a personal stash challenge:

  • Set a goal to sew a certain number of projects from your stash

  • Go on a fabric buying fast until you sew through a certain percentage of your stash

  • Plan a seasonal collection only using your stash. Lots of people do this for Design Your Wardrobe, so you can join us every season.

3. Make a Stash Habit

Make it a habit to “shop your stash first.” You can even set this as your new sewing mantra.

If you prefer to start with a pattern and then pick fabric, make it your policy to shop your stash first, and then go to your favorite store.

If you prefer to start with fabric and then pick a pattern, see tip 5.

4. Get Creative With Scraps

Never underestimate the power of your fabric scraps.

If you are short on yardage, you can create patchwork yardage or color-block fabric to sew an entire garment using only what you already have.

You might like this series on our YouTube channel that gives you a bunch of creative project ideas for your scraps.

5. Only Shop for Fabric You’ll Actually Sew

Ok, this last tip is a little tricky, but it’s best if you like to buy fabric and then find a pattern.

You can set a rule that you only buy fabric when you find a pattern you like, but that’s not reality. There’s fabric sales, new releases, and thrift scores.

Instead, get to know the kinds of fabric (including the colors and prints) that you actually sew—and the ones you actually wear.

Use your current stash to identify the kinds of fabrics you tend to buy. Make note of the kinds of fabrics that have been lingering in your stash for the longest.

Then, shop your closet and look at your last few projects to identify the fabrics you wear the most and the least.

From this, you can make a list of fabric qualities you like. You can list the fibers, colors, stretch, drape, or any other qualities you notice.

Don’t buy fabric if it doesn’t have those qualities.

This keeps your stash in check for the future, and it really helps you make decisions in the fabric store.

If you need more help identifying the fabric you actually sew, listen to episode 85, How Can I Use More of the Fabric I Buy?

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