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How to Make More Time for Sewing and Creativity

Episode 56: We are sharing some of our own little tricks for making time for the things we enjoy, namely sewing and making.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast • September 14, 2021 • Episode 56

The actor Ellen Burstyn, at the age of 81, gave some terrific advice that has stuck with me for years since I heard it. In [an interview on the podcast Sex, Death & Money](, she explained that she has what she calls "should-less days". It's a day when there is nothing she should do. She simply does what she feels like on those particular days.

She says:

"Should-less days, I recommend them. Because, what I figured out is we have wiring. I have wiring in my brain that calls me lazy, if I’m not doing something. God you’re so lazy—can’t imagine whose voice that is? And that wiring is there. I haven’t been able to get rid of it. But what I can do is I can put in another wiring, I can put in should-less days, so when that voice goes off and says you’re being lazy, I turn to the other wiring in my brain that says, no, this is a should-less day, and I’m doing what I want."

Is that wiring familiar to you? Like me, do you always feel that there is something more important that you "should" be doing?

Like the great Ms. Burstyn, sometimes we need to find those little tricks that give us permission to do what we love and what we actually need.

This week on the podcast, Haley and I are sharing some of our own little tricks for making time for the things we enjoy, namely sewing and making. We talk about:

* Figuring out how much time you want to spend on creativity.
* Determining which activities bring you joy and which don't.
* How to make sewing feel more like play time.

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