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Sewing With All 5 Senses Part 1: Sight and Touch

Episode 213: How to intentionally enhance your sense of sight and touch when you sew—to make it an even more radical form of self-care than it already is.

Posted in: Seamwork Radio Podcast • October 14, 2024 • Episode 213

This is part 1 of a 2-part series called "Sewing With All 5 Senses."

We are such sensory-seeking creatures, and in very direct ways, sewing feeds our sense of sight and touch. But if you can find ways to stimulate all of your senses when you’re sewing, it can become an even more radical form of self-care than it already is.

Today, we're talking about how to intentionally enhance your sense of sight and touch, which are the two senses we experience the strongest when we’re sewing. We'll cover what elements play into our sense of sight and touch, and give you tips for how to embrace what feels good.


Tip 1: Create a space that's visually inspiring

Make sure the lighting is cozy but practical. You can softly light your room and add additional task lighting, or prioritize brightness with strong overhead lighting.

When deciding on tidiness and organization, embrace your threshold for visual clutter. Determine what you'll keep on display and what will be stored away.

Also, consider how color affects your mood and sewing practice. For example, some studies show that blue is linked to creative output, while red helps with attention to detail. However, these choices are deeply personal. Deep, saturated colors might inspire your creativity, or you may feel more creative with a stripped-back, neutral space that offers a blank canvas.

Finally, identify the visual elements that inspire you in your sewing space. Display things that bring you joy and inspiration, such as plants, wall art, furniture (like a cozy chair for sketching), a rug, books, mood boards, or sketches.

Tip 2: Work with fabrics that have colors and patterns you love to look at.

It's important to consider the aesthetics of your projects and materials. The more you identify and work within your personal taste, the happier you'll be while sewing. Bonus: If you like how it looks, there's a good chance you'll enjoy wearing it too.


The sense of touch in sewing is all about physical comfort. Wear clothes that are unrestricted, as you'll be sitting for long periods, or moving around, like cutting fabric on the floor.

The temperature of your space is also important. Know your ideal working temperature and adjust accordingly. You can wear slippers if it's cold, use a space heater to warm your feet, or turn on a fan if it's hot (but avoid pointing it at your cutting table.)

Consider the ergonomics of your furniture carefully. Make sure your table is the right height for your work and that you can sit in your chair easily for extended periods.

The quality of your tools can also impact your physical environment. If something isn't going right with your sewing, it's likely either your tools or your technique. Your tools should be comfortable to use. If they create any obstacles in your sewing practice, it might be time to replace or upgrade them.

Just as visual esthetics are important in project selection, so are the textural qualities of your fabric. Know what textures bother you and give you the ick. Also, consider the climate, and try not to sew too far out of the season you're in, as it can be motivating to wear your newly completed project as soon as possible.

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